Saturday, October 13, 2012

How To Make Google to Pick Up My Post At the Top in Search Results

What You should do so that Your Post be at the Top in Google Search Results(Serp) from your website or Blog:
Google Search engine
As there are millions of of Blogs in the world wide web, and on the daily basis every Blogger or site owner post new articles and updating their site.
This is not true that by reading one article you will be able to know that how Google works. but you will know some of the ideas and analysis that i written.

Analysis of  Post Title:
Post Title Play very important role for your contents to be in Search Results, if you are posting on the daily basis new articles or new one in a week. you should be aware of your Blog Ranks and keep in mind all things when publishing the article,

  • Title does not be too much long and does not be too much short.However in some extents it should be large enough. there should not be characters like ??? or .... etc
  • Keep in my mind the keywords of your post title, that's why even if your post appears in search results, it also depends on user mind to pick your post
  • Your post title should be relevant to your post: if your post title is contains some keywords but does not in the your post. your post may not be appeared.
  • Use Keywords of Post Title that represent your post 
  • Use different keywords of post title, and such keywords that are not used by other one, try to do something different

Analysis of Keywords in the Post:
Before going in the analysis of post let have a mental picture of your Post keywords.
Google and keywords
  • Look At the above Screen shot taken by me you can see the post title and keep in mind there are no keywords of what i search in google but still it appears, are you kidding me? 
  • But if you give attention to the post keywords you can see Google highlights 3 keywords in the post. 
  • first one is "idm" the second one is "never expire" and the third one is "idm"
  • Now you have a good foundation that what happenings

Rich Keywords but not too much:

  • At the above "analysis of keywords in the post", i think and i am sure you keep in mind about keywords used in the post, However if you used too much then Google and other search engines will ignore it.
  • Do not repeat same keywords again and again.
  • Use the Keywords in the post that represent your post article
  • Algorithms(Technical Definition: A finite steps of instruction that guaranteed Optimal solution in the interval of time) are runs on the Google Servers. 
  • So you should keep in mind that,Google has some constraints(limitations)

Don't Try to Make Google Fool:
Google is fool

  • if you read the above article you will have a good foundation of your contents appearing in Google Search results
  • However Do not try to be too much Smart,and to try to make Google fool. As i said, Google Runs Algorithms(instructions in a specific manner) if they find something wrong they may ignore your post

From the Author: 
Please i spend time and provide ideas, Do Not Copy without the permission of Author 

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