Friday, November 30, 2012

Best Blogger Templates 2013 Top 5 Chosen by TrixKing

Best Blogger Templates For 2013: As You know 2012 is going to be finished, Now we are going to publish all Blogger templates of 2013, I saw most of the bloggers including me, that change templates after some time. it may be any reason, including the template don't have the features they want, have no awesome look to represent a professional Blog, or it may be that when you want to care of users who read your blog are facing difficulties when reading or surfing on posts.

How to Select A Template for Blogger?: Depends on your contents(posts) you should select a template for your blog, following are some suggestions. 

Top 5 Blogger Templates:Previews are given for each template,Depending on your mind and the needs  of your users you can pick up a best template for your blog,Below are the best templates chosen by TrixKing | The Blogger King, 
The Most Professional and Best Template| MBL Fresh Magazine Blogger Temlate
LearnProTips Template For Blogger
Simple Cool But Professional Template For Blogger
Best Blogger Template For Articles
Mash2 Blogger Template Adopted From Wordpress
Customized Thesis Blogger Template

Show Me More Blogger Templates | Browse All Blogger Templates

Do you want more? : Do you confused? which template is best for me?  which type of template you want? Ask from us. we will suggest you. 

Friday, November 23, 2012

Easy Method to Have image in Google Search Results

How to get image in Google Search Results: Google introduces For website owners and Bloggers to include the author picture in search results,which shows image from Google Plus profile.You can display your Profile picture also by following the steps in this post.You must be verified owner of your Blog or website to get it.what you need is to have Google plus profile and a photo.This method is also called by Google authorship markup.

How to image in Google Search Results?:
Follow below Steps.
Step-1: Go To Your Google Plus Profile. Or Go To Google Plus and Click on Profile at the Left Side, Now Click on Edit Profile. See Below Screen shot for better understanding.
Now Click on the parts of your Profile to Edit. Scroll down and you will see Contributor to, Click that parts

Step-2: Click on Add Custom Link and insert your Blog or website url and Click Save. And then click on Done Editing at the Top.

Step-3: Go to Blogger Dashboard,Select a Blog. and Create about me page.
Now in the about me Page add your Google Plus Profile Link.
add the below Html code in HTML Mode.

<a href="" rel="me">My Google Plus Profile</a>

Note: In the above code the red digit is your Google Plus Profile Id.
How to find my Google Plus id?:
Go To Google Plus and Click on Profile at the Left Side now at the address bar you will see your Google Plus id. See the below screen shot for better understanding. the underline red digits is your Google Plus id.
Save That About me Page.
Done! Now in a few days you will see your Google Plus profile image show up in Google search results.Peoples can also navigate to your Google Plus profile in serps. Peoples can also see how much you are circles if your circles are more than 100.

Not clear? Feel Free to comment and Ask.
Thank you

From The Author: Dear friends this post was a part of Blogger Tips and Tricks. we will publish more Blogger Tips and Tricks in upcoming days.

Monday, November 19, 2012

How To Disable Right Click on Blogger: Protect Blog Contents

Disable right click on Blogger and protect it from CopyCats
How To Disable Right Click in Blogger(Disable right mouse click Script): Do you want to protect your Blog posts to be copied?.Do you want your posts be unique and no one can't to copy your blog contents.The Optimum solution is to prevent others to copy your posts.and to disable right click on Blogger blogs. so that even if user select the text, they can't to copy it. because the right click will not work and also CTRL+C.
However if you are providing services for the Bloggers and users by giving them codes such as widgets,plugins. then it will be the drawback. however you can also get rid of this problem. then there is another method that you can use which allow users to copy codes just by pressing a javascript button.

How To Disable users to copy your posts?:
The Best way is to Disable right click on your blogs.
Follow the Below Steps To implement this technique on Your Blogger Blogspot Blog:
Step-1: Go Your Blogger Dashboard Select A Blog.
Step-2: Go to Layout of your Blog and Add A Gadget Select HTML/JAVASCRIPT
Step-3: Now Copy Below code and Paste.

<script language=javascript>
//Disable right mouse click Script
//By TrixKing Blog

var message="Function Disabled!";
function clickIE4(){
if (event.button==2){
return false;
function clickNS4(e){
if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){
if (e.which==2||e.which==3){
return false;
if (document.layers){
else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){
document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false")
// -->

Finally Save it and You are Done!
Now try to select some text in your Blog and you will see that right click does not works.
When you right click this message will Pop "function disabled".
Now if you want to change this text then change the text in above codes.
This Line : var message="Function Disabled!";

Monday, November 12, 2012

Mash 2 Blogger Template Adopted From WordPress Free For All

Mash2 Blogger Template Preview
Download |Preview(Screen Shot)

Mash2 (mashable inspired) Blogger Template Download And Review:
Mash2 Template is a Blogger Template and it is converted from wordpress. it is a free premium Blogger template with two columns, right sidebar, page navigation menu, ads slots ready, auto post summaries with thumbnails, social share buttons, related posts and footer columns. It has an excellent layout with professional look.After Reviewing this blogger template developers converted to blogger.
Features of This Blogger Template :

Menu Of Mash2 Template:
 Simple but professional menu provides more flexibility for the user to navigate to their desire Pages or Posts. you can configure it it easily in the Template HTML.
A New Way of Read More Style: With more posts on main page provides you more impression of your posts to get. the posts are crop in order to provide to users to pick their post easily which they like the most.

Mash2 Blogger Template Read More posts in a new style
Mash Template is designed to meet all needs of bloggers in order to increase page impression by displaying more posts in main page. you can also use it with labels. label some posts and put then in html mode you can give a name and url of that labels posts so that all the posts in the read more style will be shown. 
Social icons :
imesh2 social networking icons
There are 5 Social icons/subscribe buttons that provide convenience to the visitors to subscribe and get fresh updates for your upcoming new posts. twitter button let users follow you on twitter and recieve tweets, then there is facebook button through which users can easily be a fan of you on facebook and get updates in newsfeed.there there is Rss through which users can easily follow by email and get new posts via email, in other words can subscribe by email.Users can also send you an email for suggestions and feedback

How To Upload it in Blogger/Blogspot:

  1. Download the Template and extract it
  2. Go To Your Dashboard
  3. Click on A Blog and Then click On Template
  4. Now At the Top-Right you will see Backup/Restore Button.
  5. Click on it and then click on chose file and point the location where you saved the template
If you have any problem Regarding this template or Technical questions you can comment. we will try to solve your problems.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Add Social Networks Buttons Below every Post Title in Blogger

Facebook Like and Social activities
How To Add Facebook Like Button Below Every Post Titles in Blogger:
As we know Facebook is a traffic source for all bloggers, By adding facebook like button to a Blog or Website enhance users  to increase social activity and to let they recommend your article(post) to their friends on Facebook.
Now a days Most of the Peoples are using facebook a social network.and they are familiar with social icons.   
Facebook Like Button
The More You have quality contents(posts,articles) The More you will get shared(your post will be shared)
Also Depends on user interest.
How To Add Facebook Like Button below every post title in Blogger?:
Below are the Steps.
  1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard(template) then click Edit HTML.
  2. Now Check the Expand Widget Template box
  3. Search For <data:post.body/> Tip: Use CTRL+F 
  4. And Paste The Below Code Just Above Code
<p><iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;layout=button_count&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=100&amp; action=like&amp;font=arial&amp;colorscheme=light&quot;' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:100px; height:20px;'/></p>

Note : You may see that the code in step-3 is 3 times. Don't worry about this. everyone will be fine.
Still if you have any Problem then Comment.
Thanks To You!

""""UPDATE"""": Dear Friends I bring More for You Peoples to increase Social activity on Your Blog.
How To Add Social icons +1,Pin it,tweet it, Like And shares below post Titles:

The is How To Social icons will appear below post title
The Method is Same as Above Steps.
Use the Below Code for Like button, tweet it, pin it, and more shares.

<!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style ">
<a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:layout="button_count"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_tweet"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_pinterest_pinit"></a>
<a class="addthis_counter addthis_pill_style"></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- AddThis Button END -->

Advance : if you don't want a button appear below your post title in blogger, then remove one of those.
For example if i want to remove facebook like button to not appear, then i will remove the 3rd Line.
i hope you understand.
Still if You have any question then comment.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Create A Free Professional Website With

Create A Free Professinal Website With

Make A Free Professional Website A Personal or A Business Website:
If you are a webmaster or web designer and want to practice to have a website then webs offers you.
if you have wish in past to make a website for yourself and to start business.
your wishes to make a site either to provide your services to world wide web and your friends.
Or You may wish to Create A free Blogspot Blog Offers the Following: 
Make a free Professional Looking Website Today!
Use our easy website builder to put your business, group, or personal website online at no cost.
You Don't need to code: you don't need to know what is html.css,javsxript or PHP:
Webs drag and drop SiteBuilder requires no technical knowledge.
Help visitors and customers find your site easily by giving it a descriptive and catchy custom domain name. Already have a domain name? No problem. You can choose to attach it to your Webs site, or transfer it to be managed through Webs.
You can further professionalize your business image with an email address that matches your website address. All email accounts come with anti-virus and anti-spam options. Manage your email through Microsoft Outlook or access it via the web.
Having your own domain name makes you standout from the crowd, makes you look more professional and helps get you found online. A domain name is the online equivalent of your phone number!
Later if you like it then you can also choose a custom .com domain for it.

How To Create A Free website with
Below are the steps.
1. Visit Click Here and simply fill the small form,i.e enter your email address(valid),password,choose a website Type. either personal,business,group/organization creating a free website
2. Now you have to setup your account. simple enter your site title,select a can change it later select pages you can later remove and add more.
selecting pages and themes for website
3.Now you have to chose your domain name. that is
and click Create my Website.
Now you successfully created a website. Now you can design it. and do work on it.

Have you some questions Problems. comment on this post.we will try to solve your problem.
Thanks to You!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Stylish Flash Stats Counter Widget For Blogs and website

Flash Stats Counter

Flash Stats Counter widget for Blogger,wordpress Blog And for A Website:
You can use this stats counter widget code almost in all platforms,such as for forums for any site.
it is a good way to let your users and visitors know about your traffic that are visiting your site.
it is a popular and efficient way to get instant web statistics.
Flash Web counter that you can embedded in your site.
If you need detailed data about your web traffic, With 99counters Flash Stats counter you can create highly customisable counters to go on your website, blog, or social networking profile. The counters you create work the way you want them to. They can be fun to look at or unobtrusive. Most important is that they instantly provide either you or your visitors with highly detailed data. Do you want to know where your visitors come from? Do you want your visitors to know how many others are there at the same time as them? It is entirely free and designed to work exactly the way you want it to.
just like you are adding other third party code in your wordpress Blog. similarly you can add it.
Features of This Stats Counter:
  • Flags of individual visitor is showing
  • Today Visitors are showing.
  • Total visitors of all the Time are showing.
  • Globe which show a world 

Stats Counter Code

How To Add in Blogger:
  1. Go To Your Blogger Template
  2. Then Click on a selection menu of specific Blog
  3. Then click On Layout
  4. Then Add Gadget where you want the counter appears.
  5. Select html/javascript and Paste The Code.
How To Add in A website.
Go Your html file usually an index.Html.
Paste The code between <body> </body> any where you want the flash counter appear.