Monday, December 24, 2012

How To increase Blog Traffic in Just A Week

Blog Traffic
How to increase blog or Website Traffic in a just a week?:
World wide web is full of tips and tricks to increase Traffic(visitors) to your site, Most of them referring social sites to increase or improve traffic, which is not consistent for long term,In this post i will share some core methods to increase site traffic, Before you think about increasing traffic, learn know how search engines pick up contents .

You Must to Read in order to write:
Read Blogs
Want to be a professional Blogger? then start reading, learnt from +Mairaj Pirzada: a nice guy,who love to write, one thing i noticed in him is he read out the most, and thus growing a pro writer. Read which is most interested to you, Keep reading until you finish, Have a schedule of reading, heard from my respectable teacher, Ashraf Zia Read everyday at least 15 pages a day and make it your habit.

Write which is the Most wanted:
Think for a while, there might be some ideas which is most useful to others, but you didn't published yet,
write most wanted
In the above screen shot you can see 3 posts,  one of which have 5x most views of 1964, Keep this mental picture in your mind, and start publishing.

Merge ideas of different Bloggers:

Merge blog ideas

As i said You must to read in order to write, It does not mean that you read one blog and adopt his styles, Read different type of Blogs, Create ideas by merging them in one,Have look on their site, how they put contents,which is the most same adopt it.

Use Social Networks But not for Long term:
Traffic from social networks are not for long term, The consistent way is to bring traffic from search engines(Google is the Best), Submit your site map to Google , Increase social activities by adding social networks buttons, Below Post title will be the best. Once your Blog become popular, peoples will share your contents on social sites Not you.

Don't waste time on Ranking:
Alexa Ranking? Do'nt dude
just saw many Bloggers and site admins, most of the time they spending by increasing page rank and improving alexa rank. Alexa is just a concept, concentrate on visitors, However it is good if you want to attract advertisers to advertise on your site. Learn How to boost alexa ranking, publish quality contents which produce useful results.

Conclusion: This post was just a part of some ideas to increase traffic( Picture abi Baki he mere Dost), you must to learn such ideas from others Blogs and thus merge it and create the one which will be the best.

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