Monday, January 28, 2013

How To Optimize a Website And Blog

How to Optimize website
In the previous post we talk about core method to get traffic to a blog. Now in this post we are going to
to learn how to optimize a blog or a website.
Either you are a website admin providing services or selling products,Or a blogger writing for your niche.
it is essential for both to make site healthy. To increase sales of products or to attract readers to continue reading. you must to
look your site in the eye of a user and accordingly place contents.
Remove Unnecessary widgets:
Remove widgets
if you are a blogger then you already know what widget means. if you are a website admin then widgets means an area of your site.
for example you are placing horizontal icons of social networks, such as facebook,twitter,google plus.
So if there are some widgets that are unnecessary then delete them. only place those which are really important.
introducing Benefits:
  • minimize site speed.
  • users are happy because site load fast.
  • No wastage of space.
  • site look pretty much good.
Use Webmaster Tools:
Google webmaster
Google offering free webmaster tools, learn how to get Google and Bing webmaster account. also try Bing webmaster tools.submit them sitemap. and
remove unwanted urls. make your site error free. once you are log in to google webmaster tools. click optimization at the left side and then remove urls that you don't want to appear in search.
are you getting my point?
Simplicity is the best:Make your site look simple but Not simpler which look boring and dull. make sense? act for a while that you are the visitor of your site and think. In the light
of results that came to your mind implement it. if you are in doubt then drop it. else if you think it's necessary then keep it.
However do not compromise on the design of your site.
Peoples are Social:
Peoples are social
use social networks to promote products and get instant traffic to website. however use such social networks buttons(plugins) which does not reserve too much space.
Add facebook like button below post title in blogger. so that peoples can like your post or website link. Do not use stylish networks buttons.
write for readers Not for Robots: everyone have a talent. use them and share across the web so that peoples can get benefit from them.
use good fonts. write quality contents. when writing then do not think for Google that it will pick up it or not. just continue. if you done it well. then you will get reader from a simple visitor.

From the author: i hope you like some of these ideas to optimze your site. if you think i miss some important point. then leave a comment. it will help others to get it.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

How To Create Automatic Sitemap For Blogger Blogs

sitemap for blogger
Blogger sitemaps,sometime refers by Table of contents,list of all posts and Archive.
you may have different type of visitors, including power visitors who visit your blog most of the time.
while some just came by searching some post. it's time to convert all type of visitors into readers of your blog.
it's a good practise to make a stylish site map which update automatically, so that user can check everything yet published.
it is also convenient for the users if they are looking for some post and don't know the exact keyword.
The solution to check all posts and pick up the desire article.
Blogosphere world is growing fast in now a days, every blogger trying their best to get the most out of their readers.
To provide all possible resource to users so that they again visit site. and become reader from a simple visitor.
Despite of all these advantages, there is one cons, which is if you have large amount of posts as well as many labels.
then page become large and decrease loading time of a blog.
For efficiency we advice to have only one label for each post, and no same labels for more than one post of types.

How it works?:
credit to Abu farhan, a web designer especially for blogger platform  created sitemap widget, which reside on Google code server.
the widget is desgined to pick up labels from a blog, and place place posts with label each on them.
there is API which call function to that bunch of codes with customization options.
so that you can desing the way you want.

How to add it in Blogger:
  1. Go to Blogger Dashboard.
  2. select a blog and click on pages.
  3. Create a New page.
  4. At the above Give a Page Title sitemap, other than sitmap name will also work, it's upto you which name you want to give. you may give table of contents or archive or list of all posts.
  5. Now click on Edit Html option near page title.
  6. and paste the below code anywhere you want.

<style type="text/css">
/*Outer Border
#toc{width:99%;margin:5px auto;border:1px solid #2D96DF;
-webkit-box-shadow:4px 4px 8px 2px rgba(0,0,0, 0.2);
-moz-box-shadow:4px 4px 8px 2px rgba(0,0,0, 0.2);
box-shadow:4px 4px 8px 2px rgba(0,0,0, 0.2);}
/*Label Color and Background
.labl{color:#FF5F00;font-weight:bold;margin:0 -5px;padding:1px 0 2px 11px;
background:-moz-linear-gradient(right,#C2EAFE 0%,#055A85 40%);
background:-webkit-gradient(linear,left 10,right 80,color-stop(0.20,#055A85),color-stop(1,#C2EAFE));
border:1px solid #2D96DF;border-radius:4px;-moz-border-radius:4px;
-webkit-border-radius:4px;box-shadow:3px 3px 1px #bbb;
-moz-box-shadow:3px 3px 1px #bbb;-webkit-box-shadow:3px 3px 1px #bbb;display:block;}
.labl a{color:#fff;}
/*Latest Post Info
/*Post Title List
.postname{font-weight:normal;background:-moz-linear-gradient(right,#C2EAFE 0%,#fff 40%);
background:-webkit-gradient(linear,left 80,right 10,color-stop(0.60,#fff),color-stop(1,#C2EAFE));}
.postname li{border-bottom: #ddd 1px dotted;margin-right:5px}
<div style="text-align: left;">
This is the Sitemap of TrixKing Blog. Here you can find All posts published till now.</div>
<div id="toc">
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src=";alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=loadtoc">
</script><a href="">Get sitemap widget</a> 
Now you can check preview of the page to make sure it working fine. Once you find, it working for you. click on Publish.

Monday, January 14, 2013

PC And Windows Errors Solutions-Trouble Shoot Quickly

PC Error. OoO
Troubleshooting TIPS How an unset / wrong system DATE contributes to your troubles?
Although one may think that the date and time feature in windows is just for our knowledge that what date/time is it now, but it isn’t so. Numerous applications depend on the system date to function correctly. 

How the system date goes wrong?
Well there can be a couple of reasons. Perhaps the user changed the system date/time and set the wrong date and time Or there is a malware that changes it. To correct the system date time you can do it from BIOS or Windows (and any other OS).
Troubles that arise due to incorrect system date
I have encountered some curious problems due to incorrect system date while providing support to my clients. So, if somehow you got here due to the following reasons, you don’t need to search the web anymore;

1. You can’t access your email account (hotmail/gmail/yahoo)
certificate error
The server's security certificate is not yet valid, so you are not able to access your email account. this problem is also due to wronge date and time.
2. You can’t save documents, especially in MS Word.
The system has to assign datetime stamp to the file while saving it to the hard drive (date showing when the file was created). Apparently, the timestamps are bounded, so when your date is out of bounds, you may get errors.
3.You get invalid time stamp errors while running the CHKDSK utility.
As said above the system assigns datetime stamp to a file when it saves it. Somehow some of your files got the wrong date time stamp. Although for the date or time to be invalid, you know the month cannot be > 12, minute cannot be >60 etc.
4.You have no free space in C Drive 
Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 generates error reports and stores them in ‘\Windows\pchealth\ERRORREP\’ due to incorrect system date. The reports can grow into GBs to eat up the precious free space in your system drive. Other applications including antivirus softwares may accumulate error reports, so much so, that it takes GBs of free space.
5.Antivirus does not get virus definitions (updates)
When your antivirus client contacts the server for virus definitions, it has to ask for updates pertaining to particular dates. But if your system date is wrong, the client asks for a wronge update package and the server denies it.
6.Sent messages may not be saved in the Sent Items folder in Outlook Express 
You may refer to the Microsoft article: KB184059 for further details.
To get rid of the problems mentioned above, just reset your system date so it shows the correct date/time. The list of problems provided is what I have experienced; I believe there will be a host of other problems due to incorrect system date. You can browse the internet and open any website except the, and apart from others email facility sites, the problem is due to incorrect system date. But this may not be the only reason, you should check your browser and other settings too.
If the system date goes wrong again after each boot-up, your system battery may be totally consumed so you need to replace it.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

How Computer Start -Tips To Troubleshoot PC Booting

windows7 interactive graphical interface
In this Post we will Learn How PC boots and what are Sequence of Steps(process) that boots up your PC.
Before the computer displays you the interactive graphical interface so you can use your machine to perform your work, it goes through a sequence of processes to get here. Passing through these steps to start the PC is called Booting the PC.
Computer A Machine
Why you should care about how the PC starts?
It might help you troubleshoot your PC which does not display anything when you power it up. Or you might just be interested in the steps for your knowledge. Anyhow, the machine “PC” deserves to be understood.
The boot-process is handled by the BIOS (Basic Input Output System). BIOS is a software embedded to the motherboard. Apart from controlling the boot process it also handles the basic configuration of a computer. You can configure your pc through BIOS, for example you can choose which device to boot from e.g. USB, CD-ROM, HDD etc. You might have noticed it when you install Windows or other OS from CD/DVD, where you have to select CD/DVD ROM as your first boot device, if it is not set by default. Beware, don’t change configuration you are not sure of. Well, I did once, overclocked the CPU and the PC did not display anything after that. Now coming back to the topic.
How Pc Boot Process works?
 Following are the steps in booting process:
  1. The power button sends signal to the power supply to provide power to the mainboard and other hardware components.
  2. After powering up, the first step is to perform POST (Power-on Self-Test). It’s part of the BIOS that checks the hardware components. Depending on the results, it gives single beep, if everything is OK. Three beeps if RAM is not working/not plugged. So it greatly helps to troubleshoot the PC which does not display anything.
  3. PC shows some basic information, such as the vendor’s LOGO etc.
  4. BIOS tries to read the first sector of the drive which is configured as a first device to boot from.
  5.  The BIOS loads the BOOT LOADER into the memory (RAM). Boot loader is also a special software which locates the OS in your drive and launch it.
  6. Now all the work is handed over to the boot loader which has started to load the OS into the memory.
  7. After completion of its work, the task of managing the PC and its resources is handed over to your OS.

Have a Problem with Pc Booting? Feel Free To Ask by Leaving a comment!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

How To Get SmS Alerts when Server Down

Either you are website Admin or Blogger, it is essential to monitor your site, Yes, it is possible,Server that keep your files may down sometimes, fortunately there are free services on the web that notify you when your site down. 
There are sites that provides this services, including site 24/7, Siteuptime and PingDom.
In this post we are going to use Pindom. 
How to get mobile SmS alerts when site Down?:
Follow the below steps.
  1. Go to and Click on Free Sign-Up
  2. A small window will pop fill the form with your email address and Password and click Sign up
  3. Now it will redirect to a page where you have to write your details,Fill the form with your first name, last name and Company name.Once you complete Click on Save Changes.
  4. Now fill another form, select your country, Time Zone,Date format and Number format, Once you done Click on Save Changes
  5. Once you clicked on save Changes, Another form where you have to insert your Site Url,Name of Check(could be anything), Tick the Box-->Want to Get alerts 
  6. Last form where you have to insert your email address(to get email alerts) and Your Cell Phone Number(to get SmS alerts). Finally Click on Create check.
All Done! Now whenever your site down you will get alerts to both your email address and Mobile phone.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Social Media icons Collection For Websites and Blogs

Social Media icons
Free Social Media icons:
Either you are running a website or a Blog, social networks are the best place to promote your product, for this reason you need decent amount of Facebook likes(fans),Twitter followers, etc. There are several methods to increase social networks activities.Learn How to add social media buttons below every post title in Blogger.vector instagram icons.
By adding social media in your site is the way to let your readers subscribe to your updates on social networks.
In this post i will provide different types of social networks buttons(images,icons) to add to your site.
Social Media Bookmarking icons List:
Social media Bookmarking icons
Rounded Social Media icons:
 Modern Social Media icons:

Social media icons with HTMlL codes
<a href='' target='_blank'><img alt='Facebook' src='' title='TrixKing on Facebook'/></a>
Google Plus
<a href='' target='_blank'><img alt='Google Plus' src='' title='Kamran Khan on Google Plus'/></a>
<a href='' target='_blank'><img alt='Twitter' src='' title='follow Us on twitter'/></a>
Customization and Usage:
If you are going to use to use some of the social media icons for your site, then copy html code, modify it by changing the user name and finally paste it where you want the button appear,
Using Social Media icons: The syntax is as below to add any icon to Blog or Website:
<a href="url"> <img src="image url"></a>
If you want to get icon(logo) from the image then Simply crop the image by using Microsoft Office image manager or other software, upload that image to your site and copy the link, if you are using Blogger for Blogging then simply upload an image to the post right click and copy image url.