Monday, January 28, 2013

How To Optimize a Website And Blog

How to Optimize website
In the previous post we talk about core method to get traffic to a blog. Now in this post we are going to
to learn how to optimize a blog or a website.
Either you are a website admin providing services or selling products,Or a blogger writing for your niche.
it is essential for both to make site healthy. To increase sales of products or to attract readers to continue reading. you must to
look your site in the eye of a user and accordingly place contents.
Remove Unnecessary widgets:
Remove widgets
if you are a blogger then you already know what widget means. if you are a website admin then widgets means an area of your site.
for example you are placing horizontal icons of social networks, such as facebook,twitter,google plus.
So if there are some widgets that are unnecessary then delete them. only place those which are really important.
introducing Benefits:
  • minimize site speed.
  • users are happy because site load fast.
  • No wastage of space.
  • site look pretty much good.
Use Webmaster Tools:
Google webmaster
Google offering free webmaster tools, learn how to get Google and Bing webmaster account. also try Bing webmaster tools.submit them sitemap. and
remove unwanted urls. make your site error free. once you are log in to google webmaster tools. click optimization at the left side and then remove urls that you don't want to appear in search.
are you getting my point?
Simplicity is the best:Make your site look simple but Not simpler which look boring and dull. make sense? act for a while that you are the visitor of your site and think. In the light
of results that came to your mind implement it. if you are in doubt then drop it. else if you think it's necessary then keep it.
However do not compromise on the design of your site.
Peoples are Social:
Peoples are social
use social networks to promote products and get instant traffic to website. however use such social networks buttons(plugins) which does not reserve too much space.
Add facebook like button below post title in blogger. so that peoples can like your post or website link. Do not use stylish networks buttons.
write for readers Not for Robots: everyone have a talent. use them and share across the web so that peoples can get benefit from them.
use good fonts. write quality contents. when writing then do not think for Google that it will pick up it or not. just continue. if you done it well. then you will get reader from a simple visitor.

From the author: i hope you like some of these ideas to optimze your site. if you think i miss some important point. then leave a comment. it will help others to get it.

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