Thursday, February 2, 2017

Complete Full Body Exercises To Do At Home To Gain Muscle And Burn Fat

Exercise is a fundamental part of achieving a complete body transformation. Whether it is to gain muscle mass or burn fat, you have to undergo a good workout routine at least three times a week, so that the body can gain that small push which will work as a stimulant to achieve more optimal results.Full Body Exercises To Do At Home

To say that it takes time to devote a little more attention to health, today more than anything, sounds like a pure excuse and is that to exercise does not require even 60 minutes to start taking the first steps into the world of fitness in favor of having a healthier body, athletic, and of course, aesthetic.

Based on this, we have planned this routine that has a focus on beginners, as well as people who do not have enough time to go to the gym. As shown in the title, it is a full body routine that will allow you to burn large amounts of fat as well as exert work on the muscle fibers to propitiate their growth.

Previous Directions

  • Routine, not having a high level of demand, can be performed by both men and women of all ages and sizes. That is to say, it can be carried out by both adolescents and adults who are overweight and who do not have any type of physical prior to withstand more demanding routines.

  • It is important to keep in mind that full body exercises to do at home will work the main muscle groups of the body, so it is good enough to incite the gain of muscle mass, as well as to enhance the burning of fats. Being a routine of slight intensity, the results in terms of volume, obviously will not be noticeable, however, will serve to accustom muscles to hard work and thus be able to continue progressing with the passage of the months, once the body is prepared To withstand considerably greater stress.

  • Although it is not required to use any kind of gym equipment or instruments, it is important to have some extra weight to put more muscles to work and therefore, burn more calories.

  • By last; Like all kinds of routines, should not be performed for more than six weeks in a row, since after this period will cease to be functional for the body because it will no longer represent any unknown effort or movement to which to adapt to continue progressing. After six weeks it is strongly recommended to continue with exercises that involve a greater number of muscles and involve a greater effort.

How many calories are burned when doing full body exercises?

Full Body Exercises To Do At HomeCalories are not everything in this life. Remember that when you undergo a process of weight loss, not only count calories, but also know where they come from, so that the body can take better advantage of them to have a more optimal progression.

Still, for the curious minds who want to know the data, these are the approximate values:

  • Woman with thin complexion: 150 calories at the end

  • Woman with thick complexion: 250 calories at the end

  • Man with thin complexion: 250 – 300 calories at the end

  • Thick man: 350 – 400 calories at the end

It should be emphasized again that these figures are close values and there is nothing written on paper, because it influences different factors such as sex, age, height, intensity at which the exercise is performed and, of course, genetic predisposition.

What equipment is needed?Full Body Exercises To Do At Home

No gym equipment is required for this routine. However, it is always important to have a pair of dumbbells adjusted to the ideal weight that you can lift without many complications. If you do not have dumbbells, you can use backpacks loaded with household items, sugar bags, beans, rice, water bottles, etc.

It is also necessary to have a towel to dry the sweat every so often and thus avoid accidents.

Finally, water is essential to stay hydrated at all times. If you prefer you can also put your favorite music to make training a fun experience.

The best full body exercises to do at home

Full Body Exercises To Do At HomeYou can get a challenging full body workout at home with just a few exercises, for which you need to put a lot of energy. The training circuit is usually the best option, combining short intervals of cardio with strength exercises. You can alternate between cardio and strength training, or you can do strength training exercises only without rest between them. Here you will only rest when you need it, which will give you a very strong cardiovascular training, even if you only do strength exercises.


High intensity intervals help improve the effectiveness of your workout. Intervals can include many variations of exercises and time, but most intervals should not take more than two or three minutes. Begin your first workout with one-to-two minute intervals followed with rest periods when necessary. For an intense 21-minute workout, establish a routine with seven exercises, at 90-second intervals, and perform the workout twice. Doing this workout three times will take about 32 minutes.

Cardio options

Choose from the many cardio options to make at home, depending on your preferences. Running or marching in place, jumping rope, or jacks jumps are easy to perform at home. If you have stairs, you can climb them or jump a real rope. Side trawls are fun if you have a long hallway. You can even jog around your block or your house, if you can come back during your break time.Full Body Exercises To Do At Home

Strength Training Exercises

The best exercises at home for a full body session include sit-ups, lunges, push-ups, boards, and oars. This routine is for balanced training, and each exercise also affects several muscle groups. The form is most important for strength training exercises. If you have hand weights, you can add dumbbells to squats or bicep curls to your thrusts. Elastic tubes with handles are a handy tool to keep at home, and can be used for many exercises. For example, for a back training: wrap the tube around a bed pole or heavy leg of the table and pulling your elbows back, keeping your hands to the sides. Keep your back straight, your abs tight, and keep a good posture throughout the paddle. This can be done by sitting or standing.

Do everything together

It starts with a five to seven minute warm-up period. Start at 90-second intervals for your first set of exercises: jogging in place, 15 sit-ups, 10 push-ups, jumps, 20 alternate lunges, 15 paddles with squats and forearm push-ups. Keep your cardio intervals every 90 seconds, but remember to maintain good posture and control during repetitions. Keep your cardio intervals in 90 seconds. Repeat from the beginning two or three times. Drink water anytime you need it. If you need a break, walk until your heart rate slows down, and come back when you’re ready. You can change the exercises at any time. Always finish with a cooling and some stretches for the whole body.Full Body Exercises To Do At Home

It is not necessary to join a gym to perform good exercises. For this reason we will show you the best exercises to do at home using only your body weight, which will help reduce fat by working each muscle in the body.

  1. Squatting

In that movement you will work all the muscles of the lower part of the body, such as the glutes, tendons and quadriceps. It will also work the part of the center of the body by exercising the muscles of the back and abdominals.

  1. Flexion of arms

Work the upper body, which runs from the chest to the back, including the abdomen. It is necessary that the arms are aligned with the wrists, placing the elbows to the sides without detaching them from the body. Also when doing this you should bring the chest and hips to the floor as much as possible.

  1. Bridge

Helps strengthen the buttocks and tendons, as well as work the abdominal, internal and back muscles. This exercise is also known as hip lift or extension.

  1. Strides

Start with your feet together, resting your arms at your sides. Step forward with your right foot and push it out until your knee is 90 degrees without touching the ground. Finally remove your right foot from the front while straightening your left leg keeping your knee off the floor.

  1. Iron or Plank

Helps define the central part of the body. If you have trouble keeping your arms straight, try to change it with your forearms but aligning your shoulders and keeping your heels, hips and shoulders at the same height.

  1. Banknotes

It will help tone the upper left arm muscles. When performing the exercise make sure you have your hips so close to your arms that the legs do the exercise instead of the arms.

  1. One-leg lifting

It helps to work the glutes, tendons and the central part of the body. Stand and lightly move one leg with your knee flexed slightly, then bend it toward your hips and lower your torso until your fingers hit the floor.

  1. Abdomen bikes

It helps the central part of the body since it requires rotation and deep stabilization of the abdominal muscles. It also helps to activate the fibers of the rectus abdominis muscle and the obliques of the abdomen.

  1. Elevation of the pelvis, on the floor

It helps strengthen the back and also helps to be less prone to injury. When you do the exercise you need to keep your lower back flat on the floor and lower your legs without touching the ground, it can help you by flexing your knees at first.

  1. Side jump

It is a great complement to any conditioning since it works the fibers of muscles, ligaments and tendons with a different pattern. This is how most people do it on two planes: forward and backward, or up and down.

  1. Burpees

It combines resistance and cardiovascular exercises. Here you work the top and bottom as it has a focus on the central part. It can also be done with jumps before doing the squat.

Complete full body workout to burn fat and muscleFull Body Exercises To Do At Home


As in all types of routines, it is always essential to perform warm-up exercises to allow the muscles to warm up and prepare for the most intense movements, which significantly reduces the risk of injury.


Once the warming is over, you can proceed to the intense part of the routine, which consists of performing six circuits with three different exercises. Each series should include between ten and twelve repetitions, depending on the body’s ability.

Circuit 1:

  • Push – ups : 1 x 10 to 12

  • Dumbbell Lunges : 1 x 10 or 12

  • Dumbbell rows : 1 x 10 or 12

Circuit 2:

  • Push – ups : 1 x 10 to 12

  • Dumbbell Lunges : 1 x 10 or 12

  • Dumbbell rows : 1 x 10 or 12

Circuit 3:

  • Push – ups : 1 x 10 to 12

  • Dumbbell Lunges : 1 x 10 or 12

  • Dumbbell rows : 1 x 10 or 12

Circuit 4:

  • Push – ups : 1 x 10 to 12

  • Dumbbell Lunges : 1 x 10 or 12

  • Dumbbell rows : 1 x 10 or 12

Circuit 5:

  • Push – ups : 1 x 10 to 12

  • Dumbbell Lunges : 1 x 10 or 12

  • Dumbbell rows : 1 x 10 or 12

Circuit 6:

  • Push – ups : 1 x 10 to 12

  • Dumbbell Lunges : 1 x 10 or 12

  • Dumbbell rows : 1 x 10 or 12

Notes to take into account:Full Body Exercises To Do At Home

  • As indicated in the first few paragraphs, the dumbbells or barbell can be replaced with some items that are easily found in the home. The important thing of all this is to complete all the circuits and to raise a quantity of acceptable weight so that the muscles are put to true test and thus the caloric wear is greater, as well as the stress so that these can grow.

  • If even the ten repetitions are too many, there is nothing to worry about, with eight being more than enough for each exercise.

  • If it is also not possible to do the indicated exercises, you can opt for other less demanding variations such as squats instead of strides or wall push-ups instead of common push-ups.

  • This routine is designed to be done three times a week, having at least one day of rest between sessions. Monday, Wednesday and Friday would be ideal for getting to work.

  • In the case of the remaining days like Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday you can do some cardio to complement, while on Sundays it is taken as an absolute day of rest to recover energies and be 100% for the next round.


Body Beauty

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